Month: December 2015

Hump Day Headlines: How We Spend $300/Month on Groceries

Hump Day Headlines: How We Spend $300/Month on Groceries

This week I was talking with a colleague at work and realized that they spend $800 EVERY month on groceries.  WHAT?!?  They’re a family of 4, but 2 of them are small children, and 1 child is breast feeding.  So, that’s basically a family of 3.  And let’s face it, little kids just don’t eat […]

When Buying Stocks Is More Exciting Than Buying Shoes…

When Buying Stocks Is More Exciting Than Buying Shoes…

Last week I hit a BIG milestone.  I’ve been creeping towards this milestone for a couple of years now.  But last week, I HIT IT.  I am now contributing the maximum contribution to my 401k plan.  That’s right.  $18,000/year is going into my retirement account (before the company match)!  A few weeks prior to bumping […]

Kids & Cash: Grasshopper Teachings

Kids & Cash: Grasshopper Teachings

As I was scouring the internet this week reading other financial blogs, I was excited to come across This One by our friends at How To Stuff Your Pig.  It’s all about financial gift giving for children.  I was amazed that the very first suggestion is the EXACT one we will be doing for Mini […]

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