Smart Money

Breaking Bad Habits Via Swapping

Ever consider how much that bad habit is costing you?  What am I saying?  You’re reading a personal finance article about breaking bad habits, of course you have!  So you also know that smoking those…

January 8, 2016

Frozen Pizza Fridays

Our Friday night routine used to consist of play dates (we’re parents) at various, local venues such as the roller skating rink, the bounce house, or Chuck E. Cheese (oh, the horror).  Along with that…

November 20, 2015

Budgets Are For The Birds

No disrespect to J. Money, but in the Mad Money house we believe budgets are for the birds.  I have spent countless hours inputting guesstimated dollar amounts to be spent in every detailed category in…

November 16, 2015

Hump Day Headlines: Enjoy The Moment

Let’s see…it’s been a whole week since we started our Hump Day Headlines series; time for installment #2!  Mr. Money Monster and I are officially back into our weekly routines after the wedding and honeymoon. …

November 11, 2015

Stuff We Just Stopped Buying

I’ve recently noticed that there are a lot of everyday things that Mr. MMM and I just don’t buy.  Not surprisingly, skipping out on these little items have added up to big savings over the…

November 6, 2015
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