How to Future-proof Your Finances

April 25, 2024

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It might be true that tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us, but it’s still really important to plan for, just in case. Being organised and prepared in the here and now can help us massively later in life, and allows us to live comfortably and the way that we want to after many years in the workplace. We need to think to the future and think about the ways we can make life easier then, that hopefully won’t affect us too much right now. Here are some ideas.

White hands with red nail polish holding US dollars.
Building an Emergency Fund

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, from car repairs to medical emergencies. That’s why it’s essential to have an emergency fund to fall back on when the unexpected happens. Aim to save three to six months’ worth of living expenses in a separate savings account that you can access easily. Having a financial safety net in place will give you peace of mind and protect you from the stress of unforeseen expenses.

Buying a House

Owning a house can be a key ingredient for financial success down the road. When you own a home, you’re not just paying rent to someone else -you’re investing in yourself. As you make mortgage payments, you’re building equity and over time, as property values typically increase, your home can become a valuable asset that can help you build wealth. Plus, owning a home can provide stability and security, giving you peace of mind knowing you have a place to call your own. When it’s time to retire, having a paid off home can significantly reduce your living expenses, freeing up more money for other things like travel or hobbies.

Investing for the Long Term

While saving is crucial, investing is the key to building wealth over the long term. Consider opening a retirement account such as a 401(k) or IRA and contribute regularly to take advantage of compound interest and tax benefits. Additionally, explore other investment opportunities such as stocks, bonds, and real estate to diversify your portfolio and maximise your returns. Make sure the investment platform or advisor you pick follows rules like GIPS compliance. This means they report performance accurately, so you can trust your investment choices. The earlier you start investing, the more time your money has to grow.

Protecting Your Assets

As you build wealth, it’s essential to protect your assets and loved ones against unforeseen risks. Consider purchasing insurance policies such as health insurance, life insurance, and disability insurance to provide financial security in case of illness, injury, or death. Additionally, consult with a legal professional to create a will and estate plan to ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Paying into a Pension

Pensions are another way to set yourself up for financial success later in life. When you contribute to a pension plan throughout your working years, you’re essentially setting aside money for your future self. Many employers offer pension plans as part of their benefits package, but if you’re self employed you might need to set this up for yourself privately so that you have that money set aside. Pensions offer financial security and peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy your golden years without worrying about money, and while it might not seem like much now, contributing to a pension can pay off big time in the long run. 


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