How We Save Money On Groceries Without Being Coupon Warriors

June 24, 2019

I’m not going to lie, I can’t remember the last time I used a coupon at the grocery store. We don’t get a newspaper so we miss out on printed coupons and I don’t care to take the time to search for online coupons either. I simply can’t get motivated to devote my time to clipping coupons, paper or virtual. That’s not to say we still don’t try to save money on groceries. We do. And here’s how.

If you’ve been a longtime reader then you likely know that we had our groceries delivered at one point. And we still do on occasion, but not as consistently as we once did. Why? Hello, Wegmans! We were lucky enough to have a Wegmans open near our home recently and we simply cannot get enough of their prices and selection!

Make A List

Making a list might seem elementary, and it is, however, it’s harder to do than it sounds. I can’t tell you how many times I have spent way above my allotted budget because I wandered aimlessly down aisles filled with bright-colored packaging to find myself buying things that weren’t on the list.

There are a few measures we take when making our list. First, we do an inventory of what we already have and the meals we’d like to make in the upcoming week or so. Then, we jot down the approximate cost of said items and tally it up to gauge how much money our trip should cost.

Having a couple of decades of grocery shopping experience under our belts helps with estimating our bill before we head to the store.

Don’t Shop Hungry

I’m assuming you’re well aware of this cost-saving measure since you’re hanging around the personal finance space, but it never hurts to have a little reminder. There are times I have stopped for a couple of dinner ingredients on my way home from work and found myself spending $50+ on things that were so not necessary.

These days, I am way more intentional about when I go to the store and making sure I don’t have a rumble in my belly. It’s a sure-fire way to overspend on a whim and something we desperately try to avoid.

Don’t Shop Every Week

I'm not going to lie, I can't remember the last time I used a coupon at the grocery store. We don't get a newspaper so we miss out on printed coupons and I don't care to take the time to search for online coupons either. I simply can't get motivated to devote my time to clipping coupons, paper or virtual. That's not to say we still don't try to save money on groceries. We do. And here's how. via @MadMoneyMonster
Our grocery loot. Not sure why I look so awkward in this pic. 🙂

Growing up I can remember my mom dragging me to the store every single week to buy groceries for our family. I distinctly remember going every Thursday night to the local Giant.

As an adult, I have shunned the notion of a weekly grocery trip. We only make the trek to the grocery store when we are down to our last drop of milk and have succumbed to eating oatmeal and eggs. As a side note, I absolutely hate oatmeal (looks like regurgitated cat food to me) so it’s my last edible resort.

With this strategy, I’d say we average 2 to 2.5 shopping trips each month. The half accounts for a little trip here or there to pick up some toiletries or milk. We always seem to run out of milk! I guess having a kid that drinks chocolate milk exclusively (minor exaggeration) helps with that.

Use A Calculator

Sure, it’s a little old school but nothing will help you keep to that budget like punching in the numbers of each item that gets tossed into the cart. It’s a lot easier when there are 2 people shopping but it’s certainly not impossible alone either.

I have actually gone around the grocery store placing items back on their respective shelves in an effort to stick to our budget.

A calculator is a bit of a hassle but, believe me, it works. And you really have no excuse. If you have a smartphone, you have a calculator. So use it. 🙂

Meal Plan

Admittedly, this is something my husband and I need to commit to. We always have a loosey-goosey idea of what we want to make for meals but we don’t actually sit down and plan it out. However, we are on the right track and are planning on incorporating this into our routine over the next few months.

The benefits of meal planning are saving time and money. By knowing exactly what meals you’ll be making over the next week or so, you’ll be more likely to stick to your budget and less likely to buy things you don’t need. You’ll also be saving a lot of time and freeing up your thoughts.

Let’s face it, if you don’t have a plan, you’re going to spend time thinking about what you’re making for dinner every day. Have a plan and you free up those thoughts to think of other things – like the people you love.

Store Brands and Generics

I'm not going to lie, I can't remember the last time I used a coupon at the grocery store. We don't get a newspaper so we miss out on printed coupons and I don't care to take the time to search for online coupons either. I simply can't get motivated to devote my time to clipping coupons, paper or virtual. That's not to say we still don't try to save money on groceries. We do. And here's how. via @MadMoneyMonster
Mr. MMM loves his generics.

This is a debatable one in our family. Mr. MMM absolutely LOVES buying store brands and generics. I, on the other hand, do not. I would rather go for the name brand if it’s marked down or has a special (ex: 2 for 1) than buy generic.

In my mind, and I don’t think I’m alone here, generics just aren’t as good as name brand products. Depending on the item, I notice the difference in taste, texture, and/or quality. With that said, in my opinion, buying a sub-par product in exchange for saving a few bucks just isn’t worth it.

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Manufacturer Specials And Brand Loyalty

As mentioned above, I prefer buying brand name items over store brands or generics. And the one thing I love about them is the specials they run that don’t require coupons. This is probably my favorite way to save money on groceries.

For instance, I don’t ever buy Thomas’ English Muffins (which I LOVE) unless they’re running a 2 for 1 special, which is quite frequent, I tell ya.

Ice cream is another thing we scan for specials. Every time we go to the store there is some 2 for 1 special or something similar that we jump on.

Since all manufacturers are competing for your business, there is bound to be at least one special from one of the brands for any given item. Just keep your eyes peeled.

This strategy works very well for us since we’re not brand loyal.

Exception: I have found a few store brands that I actually prefer at Wegmans! And, no, I’m not getting any kickbacks from Wegmans by saying that. I don’t mind their cereals and I absolutely love their mac and cheese. 🙂

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Neighbor With A (Massive) Garden!

I'm not going to lie, I can't remember the last time I used a coupon at the grocery store. We don't get a newspaper so we miss out on printed coupons and I don't care to take the time to search for online coupons either. I simply can't get motivated to devote my time to clipping coupons, paper or virtual. That's not to say we still don't try to save money on groceries. We do. And here's how. via @MadMoneyMonster
I couldn’t even get the whole thing in the shot.

How did we get so lucky? When I say massive, I mean it. Our neighbor works in his garden for hours each day. He starts in early spring and doesn’t stop until the crops stop. About once a week we hear our doorbell ring and he’s standing there with a bag full of organic goodness just for us.

This ranges from corn to asparagus to strawberries to tomatoes and peppers. You name it, he grows it. And he gives it to us free of charge. Just for being good neighbors.

In a nutshell, that’s how we save money on groceries around here. Nothing special and nothing you can’t do on your own. All you have to do is be a little smarter with your spending, even if it’s just a few dollars at the store. Those dollars will add up and you can use them to invest or enjoy.

I'm not going to lie, I can't remember the last time I used a coupon at the grocery store. We don't get a newspaper so we miss out on printed coupons and I don't care to take the time to search for online coupons either. I simply can't get motivated to devote my time to clipping coupons, paper or virtual. That's not to say we still don't try to save money on groceries. We do. And here's how. via @MadMoneyMonster
Mad Money Cat saves money like a boss. She doesn’t do the shopping. #groceryhack

How do you save money on groceries? Are you more like us or do you know how to coupon hack without it costing you tons of time?I'm not going to lie, I can't remember the last time I used a coupon at the grocery store. I simply can't get motivated to devote my time to clipping coupons, paper or virtual. That's not to say we still don't try to save money on groceries. We do. And here's how. #saveongroceries #grocerycoupons #grocerystorehacks #savemoneyonfood #foodbudget #groceryhacks via @MadMoneyMonster




  • See, we are weekly shoppers, because we loooove fresh produce, and we go through so much of it. We’re strict meal planners though, and typically stick to the list (I’m more likely to toss something in that we don’t need than my husband is).

    I don’t mind generic. Most of the time, it’s the name brand item, just repackaged. My exceptions are Oreo cookies, and if I want Doritos (suuuuper rare). Those just are not the same if they’re off-brand!

    • Ooh…you’re so right about Oreos and Doritos. Almost impossible to find a generic that can compete. I get what you’re saying about fresh produce. We also pick that up when we stop for a quick item or two. Plus, our neighbor really helps us out in that department. 🙂

  • I usually don’t think twice when it’s about shopping. So what you think if we used some shopping coupons and other tricks, and not focus on less shopping.

  • Interesting points to be noted. I really struggle with saving money and end up spending it on useless and unhealthy things like cigarettes, tobacco products. Now I make a list of groceries before going that has really helped me in saving money. Thanks for such great tips


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