Our Brand Spankin’ New (And Frugal) Memory Foam Mattress

February 25, 2019

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I’m not going to lie, we were probably years overdue for purchasing a new mattress for our bedroom. We kept putting it off because, well, who really wants to drop one or two (or more) thousand dollars on something so utilitarian as a mattress? Not us, I assure you. But, alas, we could ignore our aching lower backs and stiff necks no longer and moved forward with embarking on our mattress purchasing journey.

Mattress Stores Galore

It was a leisurely Sunday afternoon when Mr. MMM and I decided to swing by one of the many mattress stores in our local town. Seriously, there is like a mattress store on every corner. When we pulled up to the store, we were hesitant to get out of the car in fear of being pressured to purchase a super expensive mattress. Despite our warranted fears, we disembarked from the vehicle and walked through the double glass doors to be greeted by the salesperson on duty.

Much to our surprise, the salesperson wasn’t pushy at all. In fact, he was super nice, despite suggesting we purchase a $3,000 mattress before offering up the more reasonably priced $2,000 one. Both, by the way, priced way above our spending comfort zone.

Okay, let’s back up. Immediately upon walking into the store, our salesperson greeted us and shuffled us over to the “mattress test”. If you’re unfamiliar with this, as we were, let me explain. We were instructed to lie down on the bed and watch an infomercial on screen above our heads as the salesperson was inputting information into “the highly sophisticated computer system” that would eventually spit out a mattress recommendation based on the positions in which we prefer to sleep and our self-reported areas of agony after a night’s sleep on our current mattress.

frugal memory foam mattress
Mad Money Cat demonstrating the scale of the delivery box.

What do you know, our personalized report suggested we purchase one of the most expensive mattresses in the store. A $3,000 memory foam mattress made by a VERY WELL-KNOWN company. After completing our mattress test we were led over to the recommended mattress to try it out. As expected, it was super comfy and way better than the current saggy brick we’ve become accustomed to. But, the price tag was too much for us to stomach.

It’s Only A Few Thousand Dollars

Upon noticing our hesitation, the salesperson quickly offered up a mattress a few beds down that was similar and a full thousand dollars cheaper. As expected, this mattress, made by another VERY WELL-KNOWN company was super comfy and way better than our current sack.

Again, there was hesitation. When the salesperson asked us what was preventing us from committing to the purchase, I instantly blurted out, “THE PRICE”. And, yes, I said it in all caps. 🙂 After that, we bolted. We climbed back into our paid off car and drove back to our super affordable home. 

On the drive home, we were racking on brains for a plan to replace our current mattress with a high-quality, yet not ridiculously expensive new mattress that wouldn’t kill our backs every night. Eureka! As we drove home, I just so happened to remember reading a post by the Frugalwoods about a mattress they purchased on the internet. I obviously filed that little bit of info away in a corner of my brain for a rainy day. Or, a day in which our backs could no longer take the agony of our current saggy mattress. That was THIS day.

After pulling into the driveway, I hopped out of the car and fired up the laptop as quickly as my little fingers would allow. A quick little search found not one, but two posts the Frugalwoods wrote about their internet mattress. That’s right, they wrote TWO posts about their incredible mattress – an initial post and a follow-up post stating their continued happiness.

Finally! An Inexpensive, High-Quality Mattress

After a little digging, I found the highly-rated memory foam mattress (that’s our affiliate link) that was a fraction of the cost of the mattresses in the store.  After reading review after review…after review, we happily completed our online checkout to the tune of…wait for it…$345.99! Not only did it cost pennies compared to the brick and mortar mattress, but it was delivered to our house within 2 days – the mattress store wanted to charge us a $100 delivery fee.

We went with the queen-size, 12-inch, medium-feel memory foam mattress without casing (our affiliate link again). Deciding on the thicker mattress (12 inches) was easy since our current mattress and sheets are the same size. And, I really like having a high bed.

Before making the commitment, we debated on whether or not we should buy the mattress with the casing. Ultimately, we decided to go without it and haven’t regretted it. Yet. If one of the pets or our daughter happens to have an accident in the bed and ruins it, we might be singing a different tune. For now, all is well.

Our one concern was the numerous reviews stating that the mattress had an odd smell from the manufacturer and it only subsided after hours or even days with the bedroom windows open. I can say that was not the case with our mattress. Ours had no odor whatsoever. Phew.

frugal memory foam mattress
Mad Money Pup enjoying our old mattress during the unpacking process.

Poof: Our 3-Month Mattress  Anniversary

Well, it’s been about 3 months now since we unpacked our memory foam mattress from the internet (our affiliate link) and watched it expand. And let me tell you, we couldn’t be happier. Each night when we crawl under the covers, we both let out a sigh of relief. The level of comfort is unbelievable and our back pain is a thing of the past.  

Have you purchased a mattress from the internet? How was your experience?



One Comment

  • Hi,
    When I read a post like this one I often have two ideas.
    In one hand: It’s wonderful to save money in order to pursue your dreams (FI or whatever)
    In the other hand: every time we buy on the internet, local commerce suffers and there are jobs in danger, shops that can close and neighborhoods whose houses and properties lose value.

    So, each time I must buy something, I look around first, I make a research and sometimes it’s the internet which wins but sometimes it’s the local shop where I buy.


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