Monster Stories

How We Avoided Massive College Debt

This article may contain affiliate links. Please see our Disclosure for more info. As the new year starts to take shape and I take inventory of all that I have and all that I have…

January 4, 2017

A Celebratory Final Farewell To Mad Money Cat

It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of our beloved Mad Money Cat. I adopted him from a humane society 13 years ago; at the time, I was told he was…

October 10, 2016

Our (Not So) Frugal Disney World Vacation

Yes, we did! Like I mentioned in earlier posts, Mr. MMM has done really well with contracted work this year. We have paid off all but one debt, invested a huge chunk of change, and…

October 3, 2016

How We Plan To Have A Frugal Fall

It’s that time of year again. Here in PA, Mr. MMM and I are gearing up for another frugal fall season. Fall is our absolute favorite time of year. In fact, we think the best…

September 29, 2016
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