Monster Stories

"I Wish I Had A Million Dollars. Hot Dog!"

Remember George Bailey as a kid?  All he wanted to do was be a grown up and travel the world.  Remember the grown-up version of George Bailey, stuck in Bedford Falls, and resenting his family…

December 23, 2015

Why I Regret Buying My Inexpensive, Fuel-Efficient Car

This post may contain affiliate and / or partnered content. Please read our disclosure for details   Let me start by saying that inexpensive is a relative term.  Inexpensive quickly turns into a ridiculous term…

December 21, 2015

The ORIGINAL Tiny House

Tiny House Living For the past few years I have been FASCINATED with the tiny house movement.  I devour new episodes of ALL Tiny House shows on HGTV…or at least I did when we had…

December 11, 2015

Frugal Fail: A Fast Food Confession

Now that the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is over and we’re heading back to work today, WE HAVE A CONFESSION.  As you all know, Mr. MMM and I have dedicated ourselves to analyzing every. single. purchase. …

November 30, 2015

Holiday Cleaning: Ho Ho Ho

Last weekend Mini Monster and I were sitting at the kitchen table talking about making the turkey for Thanksgiving.  I got her to agree to make the mashed potatoes, by the way.  She’s only 6…

November 23, 2015

Hump Day Headlines: Spending Wisely

A funny thing occurred to me this week.  I realized that, since we started down our ultra frugal, early retirement path, we also started changing our habits.  Changed habits led us to devise new strategies…

November 18, 2015
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