How To Get Serious About Your Employee Brand

December 11, 2023

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Many companies struggle with their employee brands. While they might offer the public fantastic products, everyone knows they are a nightmare to work for.

Downshot of different shoes from different people in a circle.

Improving employee brand is challenging because you always need to put pressure on your workers to perform. If you didn’t, your company wouldn’t be the productive powerhouse it is today. 


Getting serious about your employee brand requires taking a nuanced approach to every aspect of your business. You need to balance commercial incentives against your employees’ desires and needs. Once you get it right, you’ll reduce your turnover rate, attract new talent, and enhance your company’s overall reputation. 


Define Your Value Proposition


The first step is to define your company’s value proposition. This element is what you will give your employees in exchange for their hard work and unwavering support of your enterprise. 


Pay is essential, but you also want to focus on other perks. For example, Google once had the idea of letting employees work on their pet projects for fun once a week alongside their conventional work. This approach appeared to work and produced some of the brand’s best products to date. 


Create A Consistent Message


The next step is to create a consistent message so that you’re saying the same thing across all communication channels. You want to ensure that prospective colleagues can understand more about who you are and what you stand for. 


Double-check everywhere you post job opportunities and career information, including social media, job listing sites, and your website. If you can, try to get employees who leave to provide reviews you can use to support your case. Get them to talk about the perks of working with you and why it is so worthwhile. 


Make Your Offices Look The Part


You should also focus on making your offices look the part if you are interested in attracting top talent. The best employees want to work in places they would be proud to show their friends and family. 


If your facilities are looking a little worse for wear, invest in renovations. Consider using new commercial concrete to fix holes and cracks in the ground, repair the roof, and upgrade the exterior, including better lighting, greenery, and courtyard spaces. Improve the look so people are more willing to come and work with you. 


Show Off Your Culture


Another approach is to show off your corporate culture. Reveal to people the type of working environment they can expect if they join you. Show them what you’re all about and how they can benefit from being a part of the firm.


Every company has a unique culture and something to offer highly talented individuals. Talking more about this shows that you are serious about your employee brand and looking to attract the best people in the industry. Provide examples of how your employees currently interact with each other and management to provide them with a better flavor of the types of experiences they can expect when they take the plunge and come to you. 



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